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Strauss Health Sciences and Auraria Libraries Shared Repository

General Help

For questions about use of the collection, or if you are a publisher with copyright concerns, please contact the Digital Collections Team:


Digital Auraria Help

Does my publication and/or data belong in the Auraria digital repository?

All scholarly works, including articles (pre-prints, post-prints, or published articles as permitted by the publishing agreement), books, book chapters, and conference presentations, data sets, digital research files, and more are all welcome.  The materials you provide are linked to your name and reputation, so we expect that you will use this resource responsibly.

Why should I submit my publication if it is already in a journal or repository elsewhere?

By contributing your research to Digital Auraria you are taking advantage of a service provided to all members of the Auraria Campus community.  We archive, host, and maintain your material, keeping it accessible regardless of changes within your department, college, or career path.  As budget cuts affect library purchasing power in all areas and the costs of journal subscriptions rise, posting your materials insures that your research will be available to your peers at all institutions and in any sector.

How do I determine the copyright status of a work I'm depositing? 

Your unpublished works remain under your copyright, and many publishers allow authors to retain rights to deposit pre-print versions of articles and other versions within certain limits. An article pre-print is the copy of an article that you first submitted to a journal for publication, before any editing comments have been sent back to you about it. The post-print is the version that you finally submit to the publisher for publication, after you have incorporated changes suggested/required by the journal editors/peer reviewers.

SHERPA/ROMEO summarizes for you what rights different journals grant you with regards to contributing your pre-print, post-print or the final published version to a digital repository  For information about retaining your rights, see the Author Rights Initiative at the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) website or visit the Auraria Library Scholarly Communications page.

If you are submitting published works that you do not own copyright for, it's important that you clarify your intention with the copyright owner. The submission process includes the ability to select a Rights Statements (, or Creative Commons licensing ( 

Who can access the material?

Like all items in the Auraria digital repository, your deposit/s in the digital repository are visible to all users around the world, regardless of affiliation.  Your material can be found via search, library catalog search, Google, and other search engines.  Our consistent stable links to your materials are ideal for your website, CV, dossier, or other promotional materials.

Can I make changes to my material after submitting?

Yes and no. The material itself is not to be changed unless you accidentally uploaded the wrong file, in which case, please contact us to amend the problem.  Later editions may be added as separate, new items, but the digital repository is intended for final products, not works in progress.

Can someone submit material on my behalf?

The submission process includes granting permissions, creating metadata, and loading files. While the rights holder may designate another to create metadata and load files, the rights holder must first complete a printed grant of permissions for those materials.

Can I remove my submission from the digital repository?

It is possible to remove material, but this must be done by an administrators to ensure that no valid data is lost in the process and that permanent links are correctly redirected for users.  If you would like to have your material removed, please contact us. If your materials are submitted through ProQuest (theses, dissertations, and capstones) the process is different and you must contact them to establish their takedown methods and policies.